
Welcome to Springfield Elementary School!  We are proud to have been recognized as an Indiana Four Star School.

We are excited to educate daily approximately 400 students from kindergarten through sixth grade. We have three sections of kindergarten - third grade and two sections of each grade fourth - sixth as well as a high-ability classroom serving students in fourth through sixth grade. 

Springfield provides programs and opportunities that allow all students to meet their potential and create a learning community that provides each student academic success.

Our vision is create a K-6 school that embraces diversity, establishes academic excellence, and empowers students and community members to enhance the environments in which learn and grow.
The Mission of Springfield Elementary School is to ensure our students are equipped with the necessary skills to be productive members of society by
  • providing differentiated learning experiences to meet the needs of all of our students
  • encouraging parents to be an active participate/partner in their child's education
  • teaching peacemaking and leadership skills in an environment with shared values of nonviolence, equality, and unity.
By working together, we will ensure that every child excels!
Please check back frequently to our website for additional information!