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Using their Skills to Help Michigan City

Students from the Welding and Manufacturing Technology classes at the A. K. Smith Career Center (LaPorte County Career and Technical Education) gathered for a group photo at Michigan City’s Millennium Park on Thursday, May 25, along with Welding Teacher Ray Goss (front row, left, kneeling).

 The students fabricated stands for 12 life rings that have been installed by the Michigan City Fire Department  along Trail Creek near the park and the marina in Michigan City.

According to Goss, the MCFD  asked the classes to assist in making stands to mount the life rings earlier this year. Welding students designed and welded the stands, and Manufacturing students machined the holes to mount the rings to the stands and to the ground.

This school year, A. K. Smith welding students also assisted the MCFD by making large metal  “fire boxes” used at their training sites for simulations.

Welding students in front of life-ring stand.

Alan Goss, bottom left, with welding students