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Lake Hills Takes Top Honors at Regional Math Bowl

math bowl
Lake Hills STEM Elementary School competed at the Regional Math Bowl on February 26 in Walkerton, Indiana. Fourth and fifth grade teams both received first place in their divisions, and the school's sixth grade team placed third in its division. Pictured are all three Lake Hills teams, with third grade teacher and Math Bowl coach Mrs. Shimala. STEM Specialist Mrs. Deutscher also served as a coach for the team.
Sponsored by the Indiana State Association of School Principals, the M. A. T. H. (Math Academic Teams for Hoosiers) competition is open to all schools in Indiana. The contest  is made up of four rounds with three different team members competing in each round. Each round consists of eight multiple-choice questions. The competition is based on The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics publication, "Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics."
Lake Hills students worked hard to prepare, meeting every morning and twice weekly after school to practice. 
Lake Hills continues to dominate in Regional Math Bowl. Congratulations to all for your hard work!