Current MCAS Employees
Welcome !To view your paystubs and benefit information, please visit Employee Access. (Username/password required.)
To view paystubs PRIOR TO 7/1/2021, please visit Employee Access (RDS). (Note: You must access this from a work computer/on the MCAS Network).
To view internal postings on the district applicant tracking software read this.
To view contact information for benefits providers, click here.
Human Resources Forms and Information
Absence Forms
Form Number & Name | Find it here: |
223: Advance Application for Permission to Be Absent - Classified/Administrator | https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms%20-%20staff/Form223.pdf |
572: Pre-Approved Travel Reimbursement Application for Teachers | http://educatemc.net/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms - staff/Form572.pdf |
607: Public Health Emergency Bank Withdrawal Application Form (Certified Staff) | https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms%20-%20staff/Form607.pdf |
Other HR Forms
Form Number & Name | Find it here: |
209: Certificated Employee's Request for Transfer | http://educatemc.net/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms%20-%20staff/Form209.pdf |
329: Authorization for Direct Deposit | http://educatemc.net/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms%20-%20staff/Form329.pdf |
553: Employee Resignation (fillable pdf) | http://educatemc.net/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms - staff/Form553_fillable.pdf |
573: Checklist for Employees Leaving the District | http://educatemc.net/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms%20-%20staff/Form573.pdf |
584: Application for Payout of Unused PTO (Certified Staff) | https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms%20-%20staff/Form584.pdf |
605: Application for Payout of Unused PTO (MCESP) | https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/shared/forms%20-%20staff/Form605.pdf |
Certified Staff Evaluation Plan 2022-23 | https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/Domain/25/MCAS_CEP_202223.pdf |
Form | Find it here: |
American Fidelity (Section 125) benefits and services | https://benefits.americanfidelity.com/michigan-city-area-schools |
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) | https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/cms/lib/IN01001792/Centricity/Domain/4/20130131142008145.pdf |
Insurance Information (Teachers Only)
Vision Coverage Information
MCAS Teachers Highlight - Vision - Teachers Eff 7-1-2024.pdf 110.06 KB (Last Modified on May 17, 2024) -
Medicare Part D Information - Teachers
MCAS Teachers Medicare Creditable Notice Oct 2021.pdf 170.98 KB (Last Modified on September 28, 2021)
Insurance Information (ESP Staff Only)
Porter Co. Insurance (Administrators, Technology Staff and Admin Bldg Staff only)
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Annuity Information (403b)
403(b) Plan Administration Information
TSA Consulting Group - Information for Employees and Advisors
Transaction Information Form
TSA Consulting form for Distributions, Rollovers, Transfers, Loans, etc.
Salary Reduction Authorization Form - 403(b)
For 403(b) Annuity or 403(b)(7) Custodial Accounts
Salary Reduction Authorization Form - ROTH 403(b)
For ROTH 403(b) Annuity Contract or Custodial Accounts