What is Club Explore?
- Club Explore is the Safe Harbor after-school enrichment program at Michigan City High School.
- Club Explore provides a safe, fun environment for students to gather, hang out with friends, and learn new things.
- Club Explore provides an opportunity for students to explore different activities, hobbies, and careers.
What do students do at Club Explore?
- Students participate in daily academic support, diverse enrichment programs, and fun activities. Areas of interest include:
- Competetive robotics (RoboBlitz)
- Carpentry and woodworking
- 3-D printing
- Web design & engineering
- Entrepreneurial Academy
- Esports
- VR Adventures
- Art and hobby activities
When & where does Club Explore meet?
- Club Explore is in session every day that regular school is in session, Mondays - Thursdays.
- Club Explore starts in the cafeteria at 2:15 for a snack then moves to the Tech Ed department for enrichment.
What else should I know about Club Explore?
- Bus transportation home at 4:45 on an MCAS bus is provided for students who live within the city limits.
- Parents can also pick students up at Door D by the tennis courts by 5:00 PM.
- There is no fee for Club Explore at this time.
How do I sign up for Club Explore?
- Parents or guardians who wish to have their students participate can complete an online registration form here.