• Welcome to Our Class

  • Meet the Teacher
    Hello 8th Grade Barker ELA students and parents! My name is Ms. Kinsey Krachinski, and I have worked in the Michigan City Area Schools district for a year and a half. I earned a B.A. degree from Purdue University Northwest in English Teaching in the Spring of 2023. I also have a year of experience with the EL Education curriculum, and have worked with ELA students from both Barker and Krueger. 
    In my spare time, I like to write poetry and read fiction about history and realistic events! I have also written a Children's book with two student organizations at Purdue University Northwest. These student organizations are nonprofit, and are called S.H.I.N.E. (Students Helping Ignite Needed Esteem) and Westville Warriors, indicative of the Westville campus of Purdue University Northwest. Our Children's book is called Karis The Kitten, which has been put into all elementary libraries in Michigan City Area Schools. In these student organizations and through my work in education, I have developed a growth mindset about creating a full circle around kindness and positivity towards community members, students, teachers, and faculty in the Michigan City Area Schools district. I am excited to work with you and your child throughout the 2023/2024 Academic School Year, and Go Wolves!               
  • Contact me at:
    Email: k.krachinski@mcas.k12.in.us
    Phone: (219) 873-2057 (ex: 7334)