Welcome to the MCHS Student Success Coaches Page
Heather Drake-hdrake@mcas.k12.in.us (219) 873-2044 ext. 4337 Located: Behavior office
Nyika Leggett- nleggett@mcas.k12.in.us (219) 873-2044 ext. 4380 Located: A232
Denise Ndukwu dndukwu@mcas.k12.in.us (219) 873-2044 ext. 4344 Located: Behavior office
Ashley Micheals amicheals01@mcas.k12.in.us (219) 873-2044 ext. 4379 Located: A136
Meet the Success Coaches
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! We are the Student Success Coaches. We look forward to meeting with you to assist you with any social-emotional needs that are impeding your ability to be successful.
Pictured left to right, Denise Ndukwu, Ashley Micheals, Nyika Leggett, Heather Drake.
Denise Ndukwu- Letters L-R. Ashley Micheals- Letters S-Z Nyika Leggett- Letters F-K Heather Drake- Letters A-E