Newspaper Club
ABOUT THIS ACTIVITYThe Viking Gazette Newspaper is an extra curricular club that provides an opportunity for students to develop their speaking, listening, and writing skills in a setting that simulates the work of a news reporter. Students are assigned teachers and staff to interview by asking questions about school and classroom activities. Reporters take notes and use them to develop headlines and articles that they type themselves for the newspaper.
CONTACT INFORMATIONFor more information about this Joy Elementary activity, please contact the sponsor(s) pictured at the bottom right.
MEETING SCHEDULEThe Newspaper Club holds four half-hour meetings each month. To view the days and times for these meetings, click on the CALENDAR button at the top of this webpage.REQUIREMENTS TO BE IN THIS ACTIVITY
Viking Gazette Reporters must be in 4th or 5th grade at Joy Elementary. They must have a completed permission form from their parents/guardians to participate. Reporters must have appropriate classroom behavior, follow the guidelines given by the sponsor, attend meetings regularly, and meet deadlines to continue participation in the club.PERMISSION FORMS
Click HERE to download a copy of the permission form(s) that parents are required to fill out and sign giving their child/children permission to participate in this activity.