• Welcome to Our Class

    Welcome to our 5th grade Reading and Writing class for 2023/24, and Mr. Snow's homeroom! 





  • Meet the Teacher

    My name is Cooper Snow, and I am going into my 5th year as a 5th Grade ELA educator. I am a Ball State graduate who grew up in Northwest Indiana. This will be my third year at Marsh Elementary. I am excited to develop a classroom environment where we can grow together, develop new skills, and collaborate. 

  • Contact me at:

    Join our Class Dojo today!

    Class Dojo is the best way to communicate with the 5th grade team. If you have questions or need to talk with Mrs. Skibo or I, you can use Dojo and we will answer as soon as possible.




    Email: Csnow@mcas.k12.in.us  



    Phone: (219) 873-2000, ext. 8327