Meet the Teacher!My name is Courtney Schuyler.I love my family, iced coffee, my two chocolate labs, crafting, chips and salsa, and the color teal!I was born and raised in LaPorte, Indiana.I graduated in May of 2016 from Purdue University North Central with a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education. I also have my Master's Degree in Special Education.This is my 8th year teaching at Marsh, and teaching is definitely my passion.I love Marsh Elementary School, and I'm looking forward to a great year! Go Tigers!
Mrs. Schuyler's Google Classroom
Students! Click the Link ABOVE to access our Google Classroom to complete your work for days when we do not meet virtually. You can also click on the LIVE link which is located in our Google Classroom to MEET Virtually ALL TOGETHER.
Contact me at:Email: cschuyler@mcas.k12.in.usPhone and extension: (219) 873-2102, ext. 6509