• Pine Elementary School Curriculum
    Language Arts
     K-6 teachers have many resources to address the learning needs of students.  All teachers have the Making Meaning program to help address comprehension needs of the learners in their classrooms. Making Meaning is a research-based comprehension curriculum that is based on current research and supports social and ethical learning.  Classrooms have the Reading Street Program to further support student reading fluency and comprehension.  In addition to this, each K-2 classroom has access to Fundations to implement strategies that address phonemic awareness and phonics with all learners.  Pre-K and full day kindergarten is offered to all students attending Pine School.  Pine students are exposed to a variety of interventions including sight word groups, fluency groups, phonics groups, math fluency groups and Leveled Literacy Intervention groups.  This district-wide program has been put in place to make sure all students are given the resources needed to achieve in reading.
    Each classroom has Write Source that focuses on 6+1 Traits of Writing, and grade level teams share Being A Writer that also focuses on 6+1 Traits of Writing. Write Source focuses on the technical aspect of writing and development, while Being A Writer works to develop the creativity and skills by immersing learners in trade books to study the various writing genres.  Both writing programs complement one another in classroom learning.
    Ready Reading Mathematics is used in K-6 classrooms to address student needs in mathematics.  A pacing guide is used district-wide to help address the transient student population within the district.  Instructional assistants work with students to address areas of need in mathematics.
    Science and Social Studies
    These subject areas are often integrated into the language arts block to address learning needs.  All classrooms use Science Kits which are part of the Indiana Science Initiative