
    Edgewood Elementary School Curriculum

    Language Arts - At Edgewood, we believe strongly in creating a classroom community of readers and writers.   We believe that students need to read and hear a large quantity of a variety of  high-quality texts.   We believe that students need to learn to read and write for different purposes and that students need different levels of support at different times.   Most importantly, we believe that students need to see themselves as readers and writers and set goals for themselves.  
    Reading - Reading Street is the district adopted reading program.  We follow the scope and sequence of this program.   In addition to this program, teachers in grades K-6 use other research based resources to address the learning needs of all students.  For example, teachers use the Making Meaning program, The Comprehension Toolkit, and lessons from the book, "Strategies that Work", to help address comprehension needs of the learners.   Once teachers build independence for literacy learners and students have established reading stamina,  small group guided reading instruction with all students based on instructional reading levels begins.  Students know their reading levels and strive to reach their goals.  Instructional assistants work with students to address areas of need in reading using various research based interventions including the Fountas and Pinnell Leveled Literacy Interventions.

    Guided Reading Level/Lexile Range Benchmark Expectations

    Writing -  We believe that all students are authors and when you walk the halls of Edgewood, you can see what we mean.  We celebrate student writing and you are sure to find samples hanging on the walls or bound in classroom books.  

    We understand writing as a process and in order to learn to write, students need lots of opportunities to write.  We also believe that writing is tool for thinking and we encourage students to use varied tools such as journals, writer's notebooks, etc.  The teachers at Edgewood teach students to write for varied purposes and audiences.  They also teach students to write about what they have read using a program called SLAMS.   In writing, we use a combination of the writing workshop based program, Units of Study, and other instructional best practices to help our students grow as writers.  

    Math - Ready is used in K-6 classrooms to address student needs in mathematics.  A pacing guide is used district-wide to help address the transient student population within the district.  Instructional assistants work with students to address areas of need in mathematics based on Standards Mastery Assessments and  i-Ready DIagnositic Assessments. 


    Science and Social Studies - These subjects are intergrated in the reading block.  For Science we use Pearson Science Kits.