Welcome to Our Class!
Hello and Welcome to First Grade!
I am so very happy to be your teacher for the 2023-2024 school year. We are going to have an exciting year full of fun and learning!
Meet the Teacher:
Hello, I am Mrs. Megan Orlando. I currently teach first grade at Pine Elementary School. This is my 20th year of teaching. I have taught Kdg. through 3rd grade during my teaching career. I graduated from Purdue in 2004 and I went on to complete my Master's Degree in 2011. I am married and have three children, ages 15, 10, and 3. I have a dog named Coco and a cat named Smokey. I enjoy spending days at the beach rock hunting and going camping with my family. Teaching first-grade is my absolute favorite grade to teach because of all the growth they make in learning to read!
Contact me at:Email: morlando@mcas.k12.in.us*Class Dojo is another good way to communicate!Phone and extension: (219) 873-2114, ext. 6866