    Parent-Teacher Organization


    Our goal is to promote the educational, cultural, emotional, social and physical welfare of our students,our families, and our school by providing close cooperation among students,parents, teachers and administrators.

    The Joy School Association (JSA), our school's PTO, is looking forward to an exciting and fun filled school year. If you are not familiar with JSA, we sponsor fundraisers and school events throughout the school year for the students, families, and staff of Joy Elementary School.


    We are always looking for additional volunteers and new ideas! The more family volunteers we have, the better we can organize and plan activities to benefit our students and our school. If you have any questions about the JSA or our committees, please feel free to contact a Board Member. Thank you for your interest and support!



    Are you interested in volunteering at Joy Elementary? All volunteers must have a criminal history background check completed prior to volunteering at school. Below are the forms that must be fill out and turned into the school office so that a criminal background check can be performed. This service is free of charge. You will be contacted by mail when the criminal background report is complete. This process may take up to two weeks.

     For the Volunteer Forms, CLICK HERE.
    Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Joy Elementary!

         For more information about our PTO, the Joy School Association, please contact us at yayforjsa@gmail.com.

     Visit us on Facebook!
