• Clip It for Coolspring!

    Box Tops

    Box Tops For Education

    Box Tops is a program offered by General Mills to help schools earn money. Just clip the Box Top Coupon on participating products and return it to school in the Communication Folder in a plastic zip bag. Please be sure to include the student's name on the bag if it is for a contest!  Coolspring earns 10 cents for every Box Top we clip and send in, the following is a link to see a list of participating products.

    General Mills also offers the Marketplace, an online access to stores that donate a percentage of your purchase to Coolspring. All you have to do is go to the Box Tops website and follow the instructions to join and then enter the Marketplace through the Box Top website and chose your merchant, just follow this link to get to the Box Tops website.

    We would like to thank everyone for sending in the Box Tops and remember, LET’S GET CLIPPING FOR COOLSPRING!!!