• Welcome to Our Class
    Hello!  Welcome to Credit Recovery!  Participate to Graduate!!! 
  • Hello! My name is Elaine Rivich. I have taught in the Credit Recovery program for the past several years and have always worked with students in multiple grade levels.  I am a licensed teacher for General Ed Students and K-12 Special Needs Students.  I have earned multiple endorsements in order to work with learners who have mild disabilities and behavioral needs, having graduated from Indiana University with my Bachelors degree and earning my Masters degree at Purdue University.  My Student Teaching experience took place on the Navajo Reservation in Teec Nos Pos, Arizona. 
    I thoroughly enjoy interacting with people from various backgrounds.  I have worked for 13 years in the elementary grades, for 7 years at the Michigan City Alternative High School, and for over 20 years at Michigan City High School. I have taught Biology, Earth Science, Integrated Chemistry & Physics, Algebra, Health, English, and Reading, to name a few.  I continue to teach a wide variety of subjects on-line in Credit Recovery.
    My husband and I have two children who both attended and graduated from MCHS. Our daughter is a pharmacist living in Denver, and our son is a pilot in the Air Force, currently in South Carolina.  My children have kept me busy over the years.  They played on many school and traveling teams, including indoor and outdoor soccer, futsall, basketball, football, track, cross-country, baseball, and were both on the swim team. They were also members of many clubs and participated in band, chorale, and community theatre.  For the past 10 years I've been the MCHS Student Council Sponsor in order to stay involved and assist with my students' schoolwide activities and events.  I believe in volunteering and being involved in the community. Working with people is my passion, having taught Religious Education, been a Girl Scout leader and swimming instructor, lifeguard, and a pool manager as well.  I am an avid MCHS fan and very happy to be a part of the MCHS family.  It is an honor to work in the community of Michigan City.  I think it is very important to always put our children first... to be ready and willing to help, encourage, empower, and inspire young people to reach their true potential.  GO WOLVES!
  • Contact me at:
    Phone and extension: (219) 873-2044, ext. 4517