• Scheduling Information 2024-2025

    Michigan City High School will continue having students utilize the Course Request option in PowerSchool for the scheduling of 2024/2025 courses. Starting on January 16th, School Counselors will meet with current HS students by grade level Wolfpacks in the auditorium to present the course scheduling options for next school year.  The students will be provided with instructions on how to view their unofficial transcript on PowerSchool and will also be given a Course Selection handout. 


    Presentation Schedule:

    Current Juniors- Jan 18

    Current Sophomores- Jan 22

    Current Freshmen- Jan 26


    The students will then have one week to choose their classes.  The School Counselors will then meet with their students by grade level and assist each student with entering their courses on PowerSchool.  Students who do not have a Wolfpack will meet separately with their counselors. February 9, 13 and 15th will be utilized for meeting with students who do not have Wolfpacks or if they were absent.

    School Counselors will be visiting Barker MS and Krueger MS on January 25th to speak to the 8th-grade students about scheduling.  8th graders will fill out their course request sheet and turn them in to their middle school counselors.  The high school counselors will then put the requests into PowerSchool.

    Graduation Requirements can be found on page 18-19 of the MCHS Course Guidebook.  Please use the course guidebook for detailed descriptions of each course and be aware that courses may change from year to year.  

    All scheduling materials links are below:

    Do not hesitate to contact your School Counselor with any questions. 

    Mrs. Kovalcik, ext. 4579 A-D jkovalcik@mcas.k12.in.us
    Ms. Anguiano, ext. 4346 E-Ji aanguiano@mcas.k12.in.us
    *Ms. Pelletier, ext 4389 Jo-O l.pelletier@mcas.k12.in.us
    Mrs. Reed, ext 4341 P-Sl (Head Counselor) dreed02@mcas.k12.in.us
    Mrs. Woods, ext. 4451 Sm-Z a.woods@mcas.k12.in.us
    Ms. LaMarr, ext. 4316     Early College rlamarr@mcas.k12.in.us
    Mrs. DeMartinis, ext. 4340 Guidance Office Secretary t.demartinis@mcas.k12.in.us
    Mrs. Krachinski, ext. 4443 Registrar jkrachinski@mcas.k12.in.us
    Mr. Turley Guidance Office  Admin r.turley@mcas.k12,.in.us