First Trimester Learning Opportunities
We will begin the year with a science unit on the human body. Students will be using reading strategies for non-fiction as they are immersed in an experiential learning simulation, called Code Blue. Students will become experts in a "medical specialty" including: cardiologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, infectious didease specialist, or orthopedic surgeon. Students will be creating three dimensional models of the body system associated with their specialty. Students will use the models to teach their peers in their medical clinic groups about their body system.
Students will discover how the body systems work together to keep the body functioning. Student medical clinics will be given a "patient" to diagnose after carefully considering the ptient's symptoms.
Our literature unit will begin with a whole class novel study on the book, Esperanza Rising. The topic of human rights is explored thoroughly throughout the unit by including multiple resources that students will be analyzing. We will be using many multi-media applications as we respond to the literature.
Math groups will begin after several assessments to assure correct placement. Math is run within a series of stations in which students rotate. Direct instruction occurs daily, as does a computer, independent practice, and math game station.
In social studies, we will begin the year utilizing our various resources to learn about environmental issues facing our planet. Students will use cooperative learning to create a "campaign" to educate others about an environmental topic of their choosing.