
Welcome to Elearning

  • Date:1/12/24

    E-Learning Requirements for Pathways 

    You must log on and do A MINIMUM of 1.5 HOURS OF WORK. If you don't log in, you don't get marked present.

    I will be available from 8:30 - 10:05 AM for the morning session and 10:10 to 11:45 AM to answer questions via zoom.https://mcas-k12-in-us.zoom.us/j/82319346679?pwd=WXBocmx1ajRQSFpjNm8yNnkxQWZHUT09

    Specific Steps for the lesson today:

    1. Go to Edmentum

    2. Make sure you get at least 3 tutorials and 2 mastery quizzes

    Work that needs to be handed in:

    The scores from your mastery quizzes.2

     If you have any issues, please email me kwilliams08@mcas.k12.in.us. I will be available from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. 


  • Date:3/6/23

    E-Learning Requirements for Pathways 

    You must log on and do A MINIMUM of 1.5 HOURS OF WORK. If you don't log in, you don't get marked present.

    I will be available from 8:30 - 10:05 AM for the morning session and 10:10 to 11:45 AM to answer questions via zoom.https://mcas-k12-in-us.zoom.us/j/82319346679?pwd=WXBocmx1ajRQSFpjNm8yNnkxQWZHUT09

    Specific Steps for the lesson today:

    1. Go to Edmentum

    2. Make sure you get at least 3 tutorials and 2 mastery quizzes

    Work that needs to be handed in:

    The scores from your mastery quizzes.2

     If you have any issues, please email me kwilliams08@mcas.k12.in.us. I will be available from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. 



    Date: 1/25/23

    E-Learning Requirements for Pathways 

    You must log on and do A MINIMUM of 1.5 HOURS OF WORK. If you don't log in, you don't get marked present.

    I will be available from 8:30 - 10:05 AM for the morning session and 10:10 to 11:45 AM to answer questions via zoom.https://mcas-k12-in-us.zoom.us/j/82319346679?pwd=WXBocmx1ajRQSFpjNm8yNnkxQWZHUT09

    Specific Steps for the lesson today:

    1. Go to Edmentum

    2. Make sure you get at least 3 tutorials and 2 mastery quizzes

    Work that needs to be handed in:

    The scores from your mastery quizzes.2

     If you have any issues, please email me kwilliams08@mcas.k12.in.us. I will be available from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm.