Social Media Community Standards:

  • Michigan City Area Schools uses social media to provide timely communication and to share the great things happening in the district on a daily basis. Pages are maintained and moderated by our Communications Team.

    We encourage civil and thoughtful dialogue about corporation matters on social media. MCAS will not remove social media comments simply because of disagreement with the school’s viewpoints and/or criticism of the corporation. However, we reserve the right to delete comments that contain:

    • Content that has nothing to do with the corporation or the post itself
    • Personal attacks on teachers, students, staff, or other users on the page
    • Foul language including comments that are inappropriate, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive, threatening, or sexually explicit
    • “Trolling” (offensive or provocative comments with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting angry responses)
    • Spam or the intent to sell a product or service
    • Links to external sources that are not related to the corporation or the post itself
    • Copyrighted material
    • Political information or campaign materials
    • Users who violate these guidelines will be banned and/or blocked from the social media page(s) and may be reported to the social media platform(s).

    Should you have any questions or concerns about the MCAS social media accounts, please direct your inquiry via email to our Communications Team at