elearning day -10/13/20
World History assignment - period 6 (all assignments will be posted in Google Classroom)
I can....... identify key concept in ch 4 and 8
Steps of the lesson:
1. Sign into Google Classroom
2. go to your World History class
3. assignment will be located there
LESSON DESCRIPTION: all lessons are located in the chapter folder in Google Classroom
Complete the following today (10/13/20):1. Complete Google attendance form and submit - it will post in the morning2. read ch 8 - 3&43. Watch video posted ( Indian Empires) in Google Classroom and submit assignment4. Read Khan Academy article posted in Google Classroom and answer questions and submit.IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE E-MAIL ME - brichards@mcas.k12.in.us
Indiana Studies - period 2 & 8 (all assignments will be posted in Google Classroom)
I can.......... identify the key concepts in ch 3
Steps to the lesson:
Complete asstigments in Google Classroom
1. Sign into Google Classroom
2. go to your Indiana studies class
3. click on e-learning link and assignments and directions will be located there
LESSON DESCRIPTION: all lessons are located in Google Classroom
Complete the following today - 10/13/20
1. Fill out Google attendance form and submit today
2. Watch Screencastify video posted in Google Classroom
3. submit ch 3 essential questions if you have not done so
4. Ch 2 Activity 2 - pg 81 in the online textbook. Answer the two questions in each section. Eight questions total
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE E-MAIL ME - brichards@mcas.k12.in.us
AP GOVERNMENT - periods 1 and 7 (all assignments are posted in Google Classroom)
I can ..................identify the key concepts in ch 2
Steps to the lesson:
1. go to Google Classroom
2. Go to your AP Government class
3. assignment will be located there
LESSON DESCRIPTION: all lessons are in Google Classroom
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE E-MAIL ME - brichards@mcas.k12.in.us