elearning day - /20
US History assignment - period 7 (all assignments will be posted in Google Classroom/Blackboard)
I can....... identify the key terms and concepts in ch 31
Steps of the lesson:
1. log into Blackboard. Click here for Blackboard. Or sign into Google Classroom
2. go to your US History class
3. click on e-learning link and assignments and directions will be located there
LESSON DESCRIPTION: all lessons are located in the chapter folder in Blackboard/Google Classroom
1. Finish all ch 31 assignments from this week and submit
2. Submit any past assignment that you have not completed
3. I will be available if you have any questions for me
4. If you have not signed up for Google Classroom please do so. Class code is v5tmgqy Please log in.
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE E-MAIL ME - brichards@mcas.k12.in.us
AH (DUAL CREDIT) US History - period 8 (all assignments will be posted in Google Classroom)
I can.......... identify key terms and concepts in ch 40
Steps to the lesson:
2. go to your AH US History class
3. click on e-learning and assignments and directions are located there.
LESSON DESCRIPTION: all lessons are located in Google Classroom
1. Finish and submit assignments from this week ASAP
2. Submit all assignments that are past due if you have not done so
3. I will be available if you have questions for me
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE E-MAIL ME - brichards@mcas.k12.in.us
AP US HISTORY - periods 2, 3, 6
I can ...................... identify the key terms and concepts in ch 39
Steps to the lesson:
2. go to your AP US History class.
3. click on e-learning and assignments and directions are located there
LESSON DESCRIPTION: all lessons are in Google Classroom
1. Finish all assignments from this week and submit
2. If you are taking the AP exam please review the US History information on the AP Central site. You will need you ID provided by the College Board to log into your test on Friday.
3. Submit all assignments that are past due if you have not done so
4. I will be available if you have questions for me
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE E-MAIL ME - brichards@mcas.k12.in.us
AP GOVERNMENT - period 1
I can ..................identify the key concepts and terms in ch 13
Steps to the lesson:
2. Go to AP Government class
3. Click on e-learning and assignments and directions are located there
LESSON DESCRIPTION: all lessons are in Google Classroom
1. Finish and submit all assignments from this week
2. Submit all past assignments if you have not done so.
3. I will be available if you have questions.
IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE E-MAIL ME - brichards@mcas.k12.in.us