Standards Correlation Guidance
Indiana State HEALTH standards for grades 6-8th grade
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Core Health Concepts
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Analyze the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.
6.1.1 Compare how healthy behaviors and personal health are linked.
7.1.1 Examine how healthy behaviors influence personal health.
8.1.1 Analyze the relationship between healthy behaviors and personal health.
Describe the interrelationships of emotional, intellectual, physical, and social health in adolescence.
6.1.2 Identify the interrelationships of emotional and social health in adolescence.
7.1.2 Summarize the interrelationships of emotional, social and physical health in adolescence.
8.1.2 Describe the interrelationships of emotional, intellectual, physical, and social health in adolescence.
Analyze how the environment impacts personal health.
6.1.3 Examine how one’s surroundings impact health and wellness.
7.1.3 Discover how the environment can impact personal health.
8.1.3 Analyze how the environment impacts personal health.
Describe ways to reduce or prevent adolescent health problems and injuries.
6.1.4 Identify how family culture or beliefs can impact personal health.
7.1.4 Cite how family heredity can impact personal health.
Standard 1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
Core Health Concepts
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Describe ways to reduce or prevent adolescent health problems and injuries.
8.1.4 Describe how family history can impact personal health.
Explain how appropriate health care can promote personal health.
6.1.5 List ways to reduce or prevent injuries.
7.1.5 Explain ways to reduce or prevent health risks among adolescents.
8.1.5 Describe ways to reduce or prevent adolescent health problems and injuries.
Describe how family history can impact personal health.
6.1.6 Identify how health care can promote health
7.1.6 Describe how immediate health care can promote individual health
8.1.6 Explain how appropriate health care can promote personal health.
Describe the benefits of and barriers to practicing a variety of healthy behaviors.
6.1.7 Identify the benefits of practicing healthy behaviors.
7.1.7 Determine the barriers to practicing healthy behaviors.
8.1.7 Describe the benefits of and barriers to practicing healthy behaviors
Examine the potential seriousness of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
6.1.8 Describe the likelihood of injuries or illnesses if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
7.1.8 Predict the risk of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
8.1.8 Examine the likelihood of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors
8.1.9 Examine the potential seriousness of injury or illness if engaging in unhealthy behaviors
Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.
Analyzing Influences
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Examine how the family influences the health of adolescents.
6.2.1 Identify how family practices influence the health of adolescents.
7.2.1 Describe how family values and behaviors influence the health of adolescents.
8.2.1 Examine how the family influences the health of adolescents.
Analyze how the school and community can affect personal health practices and behaviors.
6.2.2 Identify the influence of culture on health beliefs and practices.
7.2.2 Discuss the influence of culture on health behaviors.
8.2.2 Describe the influence of culture on health beliefs, practices and behaviors.
Analyze how messages from the media influence health behaviors.
6.2.3 Explain how peers influence healthy behaviors.
7.2.3 Describe how peers influence unhealthy behaviors.
8.2.3 Describe how peers influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
Describe how peers can influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
6.2.4 Identify how the community can affect personal health practices and behaviors.
7.2.4 Identify how the school can affect personal health practices and behaviors.
8.2.4 Analyze how the school and community can affect personal health practices and behaviors.
Describe the influence of culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors.
6.2.5 Illustrate how media messages influence health behaviors.
7.2.5 Examine how information from the media influences health behaviors.
Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.
Analyzing Influences
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Describe the influence of culture on health beliefs, practices, and behaviors.
8.2.5 Analyze how messages from the media influence health behaviors.
Analyze the influence of technology on personal and family health.
6.2.6 Explain the influence of technology on family health.
7.2.6 Interpret the influence of technology on personal health
8.2.6 Analyze the influence of technology on personal and family health.
Explain how the perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
6.2.7 Identify norms that influence health behaviors.
7.2.7 Indicate how the perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
8.2.7 Explain how the perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors.
Explain the influence of personal values and beliefs on individual health practices and behaviors.
6.2.8 List the influence of personal values on health practices.
7.2.8 Describe the influence of personal beliefs on health practices and behaviors.
8.2.8 Explain the influence of personal values and beliefs on individual health practice and behaviors.
Describe how some health risk behaviors can increase the likelihood of engaging in additional unhealthy behaviors.
6.2.9 Identify how some health choices influence unhealthy behaviors.
7.2.9 Discuss how some risky choices can influence the likelihood of unhealthy behaviors.
8.2.9 Describe how some health risk behaviors can influence the likelihood of engaging in unhealthy behaviors.
Standard 2: Students will analyze the influence of family, peers, culture, media, technology and other factors on health behaviors.
Analyzing Influences
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Explain how school and public health policies can influence health practices and behaviors.
6.2.10 Describe how school policies can influence health promotion.
7.2.10 Identify how public health policies can influence disease prevention.
8.2.10 Explain how school and public health policies can influence health promotion and disease prevention.
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health.
Accessing Resources
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Investigate the validity of health information, products, and services.
6.3.1 Indicate the validity of health products.
7.3.1 Explain the validity of health information.
8.3.1 Analyze the validity of health information, products and services.
Access valid health information from home, school, and community.
6.3.2 Find valid health information from home.
7.3.2 Locate valid health information from school and community.
8.3.2. Access valid health information from home, school and community.
Determine the accessibility of products that enhance health.
6.3.3 List the accessibility of health-related products.
7.3.3 Identify how to access products that enhance health.
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information, products and services to enhance health.
Accessing Resources
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Determine the accessibility of products that enhance health.
8.3.3 Determine the accessibility of products that enhance health.
Describe situations that may require professional health services.
6.3.4 Recognize circumstances that may require professional health services.
7.3.4 Determine situations that require health services.
8.3.4 Describe situations that may require professional health services.
Locate valid and reliable health products and services that enhance health.
6.3.5 Find valid and reliable health services.
7.3.5 Select valid and reliable health products.
8.3.5 Locate valid and reliable health products and services.
Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Communication Skills
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Apply effective verbal and nonverbal communication skills to enhance health.
6.4.1 Investigate effective communication skills to enhance health.
7.4.1 Demonstrate effective communication skills to enhance health.
8.4.1 Apply effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to enhance health.
Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Communication Skills
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Demonstrate active listening and response skills to enhance health.
6.4.2 Choose refusal skills to avoid or reduce health risks.
7.4.2 Model refusal and negotiation skills to avoid or reduce health risks.
8.4.2 Demonstrate refusal and negotiation skills to avoid or reduce health risks.
Demonstrate healthy ways to express needs, wants, and feelings.
6.4.3 Choose effective conflict management strategies.
7.4.3 Model effective conflict resolution strategies.
8.4.3 Demonstrate effective conflict management or resolution strategies.
Practice ways to communicate care, consideration, and respect for self and others.
6.4.4 Choose how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self.
7.4.4 Model how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of others.
8.4.4 Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.
Demonstrate the ability to refuse or negotiate health risks in healthy ways.
Demonstrate how to ask for assistance to enhance the health of self and others.
Implement healthy strategies to prevent and manage conflict.
Standard 4: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Communication Skills
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Formulate strategies for overcoming health-related communication barriers.
Examine the impact of communication on relationships.
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Decision Making
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Identify personal health decisions and differentiate between related internal and external influences.
6.5.1 Name conditions that can help or hinder healthy decision making.
7.5.1 Describe situations that can help or hinder healthy decision-making.
8.5.1 Identify circumstances that can help or hinder healthy decision making.
Compile and assess available information to enhance health.
6.5.2 Explain when health-related situations require a thoughtful decision-making process.
7.5.2 Recognize when health-related situations require a thoughtful decision-making process.
8.5.2 Determine when health-related situations require the application of a thoughtful decision-making process.
Personalize health risk of decisions to self and others.
6.5.3 Explain when individual or adult supported decision making is appropriate.
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
Decision Making
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Personalize health risk of decisions to self and others.
7.5.3 Determine when independent or collaborative decision making is appropriate.
8.5.3 Distinguish when individual or collaborative decision making is appropriate.
Apply a decision making process to real-life health-related situations.
6.5.4 Identify healthy and unhealthy options to health-related issues or problems.
7.5.4 Differentiate between healthy and unhealthy choices to health-related issues or problems.
8.5.4 Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy alternatives to health-related issues or problems.
Describe how personal health decisions may affect subsequent decisions.
6.5.5 Describe the potential short-term impact of each choice on self and others.
7.5.5 Examine the potential short-term impact of each option on self and others.
8.5.5 Predict the potential short-term impact of each alternative on self and others.
Assume responsibility for personal health decisions.
6.5.6 Distinguish healthy options over unhealthy options when making a decision.
7.5.6 Choose healthy choices over unhealthy choices when making a decision.
8.5.6 Choose healthy alternatives over unhealthy alternatives when making a decision.
6.5.7 Predict the results of a health-related decision
7.5.7 Examine the consequences of a health-related decision.
8.5.7 Analyze the outcomes of a health-related decision.
Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Goal Setting
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Assess the benefits of planning and setting health goals.
6.6.1 Examine personal health behaviors.
7.6.1 Analyze the effectiveness of personal health practices.
8.6.1 Assess personal health practices.
Develop a personal health goal and a plan to achieve it.
6.6.2 Identify a goal to adopt a personal health practice.
7.6.2 Select a goal to improve a personal health practice.
8.6.2 Develop a goal to adopt, maintain or improve a personal health practice.
Examine possible barriers to achieving the personal health goal.
6.6.3 Develop strategies to achieve a personal health goal.
7.6.3 Demonstrate skills needed to attain a personal health goal.
8.6.3 Apply strategies and skills needed to attain a personal health goal.
Implement the plan to achieve the personal health goal and overcome possible barriers.
6.6.4 Explain how personal health goals can vary with priorities.
7.6.4 Discuss how personal health goals can vary with changing abilities or responsibilities.
8.6.4 Describe how personal health goals can vary with changing abilities, priorities and responsibilities.
Consider the impact of decisions on the personal health goal.
Standard 6: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal-setting skills to enhance health.
Goal Setting
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Identify personal support systems and explain their importance in achieving the personal health goal.
Assess, reflect on and adjust the plan to reach and maintain the personal health goal.
Standard 7: Students demonstrate the ability to practice strategies and skills to enhance personal health and reduce health risks.
Practicing Healthy Behaviors
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Conduct a personal assessment of health and safety knowledge and skills.
6.7.1 Identify the importance of being responsible for health behaviors.
7.7.1 Show the importance of being accountable for personal health behaviors.
8.7.1 Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health behaviors.
Describe the results of the personal assessment to identify personal health and safety strengths and needs.
6.7.2 Indicate healthy behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of self and others.
7.7.2 Describe healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of self and others.
8.7.2 Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of self and others.
Standard 7: Students demonstrate the ability to practice strategies and skills to enhance personal health and reduce health risks.
Practicing Healthy Behaviors
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Select and apply a strategy to improve personal health or safety.
6.7.3 Identify practices to avoid or reduce health risks to self and others.
7.7.3 Describe behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self and others.
8.7.3 Demonstrate behaviors to avoid or reduce health risks to self and others.
Identify and access personal support, persons or systems, as needed.
Explain the importance of assuming responsibility for personal health and safety behaviors.
Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Conduct a personal, family or community health or safety assessment and/or review data from an existing health assessment.
6.8.1 State a health position and support it with accurate information.
7.8.1 Select a health enhancing position and support it with accurate information.
8.8.1 State a health-enhancing position on a topic and support it with accurate information.
Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Analyze data to determine a priority health or safety issue on which to take a stand.
6.8.2 Show how to support others to make positive health choices.
7.8.2 Demonstrate how to influence and support others to make positive health choices.
8.8.2 Demonstrate how to influence and support others to make positive health choices.
Research the health or safety issue.
6.8.3 Plan with others to advocate for healthy individuals.
7.8.3 Work with others to advocate for healthy individuals and families.
8.8.3 Work cooperatively to advocate for healthy individuals, families and schools.
Identify agencies, organizations, or others who advocate for the health issue.
6.8.4 State ways that health messages can be altered for different age groups.
7.8.4 Explain ways that health messages can be altered for different audiences.
8.8.4 Identify ways that health messages and communication techniques can be altered for different audiences.
Clarify personal beliefs regarding the health or safety issue.
Take a clear health-enhancing stand.
Use communication techniques to persuade the individual or group to support or act on the health or safety issue.
Standard 8: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health.
Indiana Academic Standards 2017
Indiana Academic Standards 2010
Identify an audience and adapt the health or safety message and communication technique to the characteristics of the individual or group.