
Virtual Learning Wednesday May 13, 2020

  • Virtual Learning Wednesday May 13, 2020


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    Good morning class! I can’t believe this is our last day of school together.This isn’t at all how we thought we would spend the last day of school. Know that I wish we were together. This time apart has been really hard, but I continue to be so proud of the hard work you have shown and the dedication you’ve had to your learning! 

    Google Meet at 10:30 today- Link will be posted 5 minutes before our Meet time. Please try to join us! See you at 10:30!

    Here is a list of today’s work. Please complete each assignment posted in Google Classroom. “I can” statements for each assignment are listed below.

    ELA- Reading and Writing

    • I can... I can...Write routinely over a variety of time frames and for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences (5.W.1)

    Today’s ELA Work Checklist (about 60 minutes to complete)

    1. In Google Classroom, select the assignment called Instruction Video: Digital Memory Book. In this video, Mrs. McMeans will explain how to complete your Digital Memory book. We love this assignment because you really get to be creative and share all of the fun things you have done in 5th grade. I can’t wait to see how these turn out. Just have fun with these guys! Remember, you can go back and watch the video as many times as you need to! (11 minutes)
    2. In Google Classroom, click on the assignment Digital Memory Book. This is the template where you will create your very own 5th grade Digital Memory Book. Make sure you think back and really just have fun with this assignment. Think about what you learned, what were your likes and dislikes, what made you laugh, what will you take with you to 6th grade and beyond. HAVE FUN!!!!

    Today’s Math Work Checklist (60 minutes to complete)

    • I can…Solve real-world problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimals to hundredths, including problems that involve money in decimal notation (e.g. by using equations, models or drawings and strategies based on place value or properties of operations to represent the problem).(5.AT.5)
    • I can…Add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators, including mixed numbers. (5.C.4)
    • I can…Multiply multi-digit whole numbers fluently using a standard algorithmic approach. (5.C.1)
    • I can…Find whole-number quotients and remainders with up to four-digit dividends and two-digit divisors, using strategies based on place value, the properties of operations, and/or the relationship between multiplication and division. Describe the strategy and explain the reasoning used. (5.C.2)
    1. In Google Classroom, select the assignment called Instruction Video: Escape Room Challenge. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, you’re reading that correctly. We are doing another virtual escape room! THIS IS THE SAME VIDEO AS YESTERDAY BECAUSE THE ESCAPE ROOM IS LAID OUT THE SAME WAY.  In this video, Miss Krueger will share all of the important things for you to know about how to work through the escape room challenge.
    2. In Google Classroom, select the assignment called Math Escape Room: Escape from Emoji Island. Read each question carefully. When you are asked to “Make a Copy” click the blue “Make a Copy” button and it will bring up the next challenge. Once you solve the problems, take your answer back to the google form that you started in. Good Luck. (60 mins)


    Any specials that you have not completed this week, take the time to do that today!