• Wednesday 4/22

    Language Arts

    I can...read and write words in a word family.

    1. Watch the video of one of our teachers reviewing the -or sound.
    2. Grab 3 different writing utensils (i.e. crayons, markers, colored pencils, pens, etc.).
    3. Write each word with each writing utensil.
    4. Pick one word and use it in a sentence.

    Spelling words: Hard dart park for storm corn

    1. Read and write these sight words 3 times each
    2. Use the word could in a sentence.

    Sight Words: Come them could have


    Listen to the story The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog. 



    Write these answers to these questions on a seperate piece of paper.


    What problem does Pigeon have in the story?

    How did he solve the problem?

    Can you think of a different way he could have solved the problem?



    1. Watch the videos of one of our teachers going over pages 148 and 149 in this math book.

     Complete pages 206, 207, and 208 in this math book.