• Book Rental Information

    The State of Indiana has eliminated textbook fees, beginning with the 2023-24 school year. We are awaiting guidance from the Indiana Department of Education regarding this. We will communicate with all families if there is a need to complete any forms this year related to assistance for textbooks and other materials.


    Past due book rental fees can be paid by either cash, check, or money order, payable to Michigan City High School. No cards can be accepted. If you are mailing in payment please send to:

    8466 W. Pahs Road
    Michigan City, IN 46360
    Attn: Book Rental

    When sending in your payment, please mark "Book Rental" on the outside of your envelope.

    If you were eligible for assistance on your book rental fees, you will be responsible for the Supply portion of the bill only.

    If you have been turned over to our Collection Agency for book rental, please contact them at the phone number below to make any and all payment arrangements. They are also capable of taking credit card payments.

    Receive Revenue Recovery
    Phone number: 1-574-404-8747
    Note: When you make a payment to Receive Revenue Recovery, they will report it to us at Michigan City High School.


    Schools will accept cash, check, or money order for past due fees. (No credit or debit cards.) Parents who wish to make a payment plan can do so by contacting the school office/school treasurer.
    If you have been turned over to our Collection Agency for book rental, please contact the collection agency listed above to make payments. 
    If you have any questions about past year textbook fees, contact the school office/school treasurer.