• Monday 4/13

    I can...read and write words in a word family.

    Language Arts

    1. Watch the video of one of our teachers reviewing the -ew sound.
    2. Grab 3 different writing utensils (i.e. crayons, markers, colored pencils, pens, etc.).
    3. Write each word with each writing utensil.
    4. Pick one word and use it in a sentence.


    Spelling words: flew threw view dew crew

    Sight Words: which about were these

    Use two of your sight words in a sentence.


    Log on to iReady Reading for 20 Minutes.



    I can...add and take away 10 more or 10 less from a given number.

    1. Watch the video of one of our teachers reviewing problems using 10 more and 10 less.
    2. Write the following problems as number sentences (__+__=__ or __-__=__)and write your answers on a piece of paper.

    10 more than 30 is____.

    10 more than 20 is ____.

    10 less than 40 is____.

    10 less than 10 is ____.

    10 more than 37 is ____.

    10 more than 23____.

    10 less than 78 is ____.

    10 less than 62 is ____.

    10 more than 12 is ____.

    10 less than 26 is ____.

    Log on to iReady Math for 20 minutes.