  • E-Learning Day Agenda
    April 1, 2020



    Science (30 minutes)

    • I can understand grade level science topics.

    Steps of the Lesson:

    1. Click on this link that will take you to a MysteryDoug video  https://mysteryscience.com/mini
    2. Watch the video. Taking notes of important information is suggested because there is a quiz following the episode.
    3. For this assignment you will need to go to Google Classroom at https://classroom.google.com.
    4. Click on Classwork.
    5. Scroll down to Science and click on “E-Learning 4/1/20- How do Germs get in your Body” . 
    6. You will be completing this assignment for a grade. 
    • Work to be turned in:
      You will be graded on your submitted assignment.  This will be a science grade.


    Writing (40 minutes)

    • I can revise the beginning of sentences to make my writing sound more interesting.

    Steps of the Lesson:

    1. Go to Google Classroom.  Go to Classwork, then go to writing and watch the "Video for 4/1/20".
    2. Students will complete week 4 days: 1&3 of their writing packet. 
    3. Following the directions for the assignment, complete the work, and keep it in your packet in your purple folder.  Do not rip the pages apart.

    • Work to be turned in:
      Writing assignment in your packet.


    Math (40 minutes)

    • I can solve math problems at my own level.

    Steps of the Lesson:

    1. Go to Clever and log in.
    2. Log in to Happy Numbers. (Miss Bowman’s kids may need to go to www.happynumbers.com 
    3. Work on your math problems for 45 minutes. You do not need to do all 45 minutes at one time. 
    4. You will need to keep track of how long you are on Happy Numbers yourself. You might want to set a timer to keep track.
    • Work to be turned in:
      Your score from the completed assignments will be used for a math grade.



    Monday (Bowman) or Wednesday (Groszek):

    Tuesday or Friday: