This assignment is for all grades:
I can...
- Find a steady beat in music
- Create a musical composition
- Identify high and low sounds
Good morning! For today's music class, please go to www.quavermusic.com and log in to your student account (like we have done in music class).
Click here if you do not have a Quaver Account yet.
Click here if you do not remember how to log in.
If you are still having trouble loggin in, send me an email or a message on ClassDojo, and I will try to help!
Make sure you select "With Flash" after you log in.
Once you get to Quaver Street, you will need to click "STUDENT" at the bottom of the Page
The Student Menu will have a button that says "Assignments." Click this button.
Find the assignment with today's date on it, and "Launch" the assignment.
If you have trouble following these steps, please have someone at home email me at: mkutch@mcas.k12.in.us
Have fun!