
E-Learning 3/19/20

  • E-Learning Day Agenda
    March 19, 2020



    Social Studies (30 minutes)

    • I can read and comprehend grade level nonfiction text.

    Steps of the Lesson:

    1. In your purple folder, find Liberty Kids 16 worksheet. 
    2. Use this link that will take you to the episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/F3FTt3rRuhU.
    3. Fill out the worksheet as you watch the episode. You can turn on subtitles if you wish. 
    4. When finished, put the completed worksheet back in the purple folder so it does not get lost.
    • Work to be turned in:
      You will be graded on your turned in assignment. This is a Social Studies grade.


    Reading (40 minutes)

    • I can define, use, and analyze grade level vocabulary, including synonyms, antonyms, and suffixes.

    Steps of the Lesson:

    1. Get your vocabulary packet out of your purple folder.  
    2. Use this link to have the beginning story read to you:  https://www.sadlierconnect.com/anonymous/viewResource.html?resourceID=81658&programTOCId=3209&alias=vw&eventId=8oiiBgotd3Myzian&eventValidation=4c816eb1ff45a82a671eaf6bc2236781._.I3Z7e1ea_QI6U-6clmR9dvJ1EYR_X6XwW6jyx7U4aygmeMJd2mpp0-vAUQxEP4-0Mm6bbzkP8uVXOwa-NPZ31g~~
    3. Click on the title Why Did the Woolly Mammoths Disappear? And the story will be read to you.
    4. Complete the entire packet.  Make sure you keep going back to the definitions to help you.

    • Work to be turned in:
      Vocabulary packet to be returned to school and it will be graded.  Keep it in your purple folder. 


    Math (40 minutes)

    • I can solve math problems at my own level.

    Steps of the Lesson:

    1. For this assignment, you will need to take out the math packet in your PURPLE FOLDER. 
    2. Today you will be completing page 77&78
    3. Remember to leave the packet put together. Do not rip out the pages. 
    4. Return to the purple folder so it does not get lost. 
    • Work to be turned in:
      Your score from the completed assignment will be used for a math grade.



    Monday (Bowman) or Wednesday (Groszek):

    Tuesday or Friday: