E-Learning 3/19/20
E-Learning Day Agenda
March 19, 2020Social Studies (30 minutes)
- I can read and comprehend grade level nonfiction text.
Steps of the Lesson:
- In your purple folder, find Liberty Kids 16 worksheet.
- Use this link that will take you to the episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/F3FTt3rRuhU.
- Fill out the worksheet as you watch the episode. You can turn on subtitles if you wish.
- When finished, put the completed worksheet back in the purple folder so it does not get lost.
- Work to be turned in:
You will be graded on your turned in assignment. This is a Social Studies grade.
Reading (40 minutes)
- I can define, use, and analyze grade level vocabulary, including synonyms, antonyms, and suffixes.
Steps of the Lesson:
- Get your vocabulary packet out of your purple folder.
- Use this link to have the beginning story read to you: https://www.sadlierconnect.com/anonymous/viewResource.html?resourceID=81658&programTOCId=3209&alias=vw&eventId=8oiiBgotd3Myzian&eventValidation=4c816eb1ff45a82a671eaf6bc2236781._.I3Z7e1ea_QI6U-6clmR9dvJ1EYR_X6XwW6jyx7U4aygmeMJd2mpp0-vAUQxEP4-0Mm6bbzkP8uVXOwa-NPZ31g~~
- Click on the title Why Did the Woolly Mammoths Disappear? And the story will be read to you.
- Complete the entire packet. Make sure you keep going back to the definitions to help you.
- Work to be turned in:
Vocabulary packet to be returned to school and it will be graded. Keep it in your purple folder.
Math (40 minutes)
- I can solve math problems at my own level.
Steps of the Lesson:
- For this assignment, you will need to take out the math packet in your PURPLE FOLDER.
- Today you will be completing page 77&78
- Remember to leave the packet put together. Do not rip out the pages.
- Return to the purple folder so it does not get lost.
- Work to be turned in:
Your score from the completed assignment will be used for a math grade.
Monday (Bowman) or Wednesday (Groszek):
- Go to https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Page/14328 to find your art assignments or find Miss Cochran’s website on the Coolspring website.
Tuesday or Friday:
- Go to https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Page/14201 to find your music assignments or find Mrs. Gast’s website on the Coolspring website.
- Go to https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Domain/992 to find your PE assignments or find Mrs. Z’s website on the Coolspring website.
- Go to https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Page/14319 to get extra help from Miss Dydo’s website.