E-Learning 3/18/19
E-Learning Day Agenda
March 18, 2020Science (30 minutes)
- I can understand grade level science topics.
Steps of the Lesson:
- Click on this link that will take you to a Magic School Bus video called Inside Ralphie https://youtu.be/83g0yZ5Y0Fg
- Watch the episode. Taking notes of important information is suggested because there is a quiz following the episode.
- For this assignment you will need to go to Google Classroom at https://classroom.google.com.
- Click on Classwork.
- Scroll down to Science and click on Inside Ralphie.
- You will be completing this assignment for a grade.
- Work to be turned in:
You will be graded on your submitted assignment. This will be a science grade.
Writing (40 minutes)
- I can identify run-on sentences and write compound sentences with conjunctions.
Steps of the Lesson:
- Go to Google Classroom. Go to Classwork, then go to writing and watch the "Video for 3/18/20".
- Following the directions for the assignment, complete the work, and keep it in your packet in your purple folder. Do not rip the pages apart.
- Work to be turned in:
Writing assignment in your packet.
Math (40 minutes)
- I can solve math problems at my own level.
Steps of the Lesson:
- Go to Clever and log in.
- Log in to Happy Numbers. (Miss Bowman’s kids may need to go to www.happynumbers.com
- Work on your math problems for 45 minutes. You do not need to do all 45 minutes at one time.
- You will need to keep track of how long you are on Happy Numbers yourself. You might want to set a timer to keep track.
- Work to be turned in:
Your score from the completed assignments will be used for a math grade.
Monday (Bowman) or Wednesday (Groszek):
- Go to https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Page/14328 to find your art assignments or find Miss Cochran’s website on the Coolspring website.
Tuesday or Friday:
- Go to https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Page/14201 to find your music assignments or find Mrs. Gast’s website on the Coolspring website.
- Go to https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Domain/992 to find your PE assignments or find Mrs. Z’s website on the Coolspring website.
- Go to https://www.mcas.k12.in.us/Page/14319 to get extra help from Miss Dydo’s website.