• E-Learning - Monday - 3/2/2020e-Learning Day

    7th Grade Math

    C. Parsons



    I Can... 7.GM.5: Understand the formulas for area and circumference of a circle and use them to solve real-world and other mathematical problems; give an informal derivation of the relationship between circumference and area of a circle.


    BLOCK 1 & 5

    Steps of the Lesson(s):

    1.  Watch these 2 videos and take notes, bring notes to class on Tuesday:


    2. Complete and pass ALL Khan Academy Assignments about Circles, Cirumference, Radius and Diameter! 


    3. Complete 1 iReady lesson. 


    Work to be turned in:

    Get caught up on iReady Lessons & Khan Academy!

    • 25 iReady Math Lessons completed by Sunday, March 8th!
    • KHAN Goal: 60% by Sunday, March 8th!

    I will be available Thursday via e-mail to answer any questions you may have.  Stay HEALTHY, safe & warm!