E-Learning for Economics
I can:
1. Understand how businesses understand the world around them.
2. Understand how those business make adjustments.
Today's Lesson Directions
1. Watch the following you tube videos:
Watch VideoEconomics in The Lion King- Econmovies: Season 2, Episode 5Duration: 8:55
User: n/a - Added: 3/20/18YouTube URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3eyQuNZVJGc2 Once finished please go to the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/qFeY5OVYpELwxXcU2 and answer the exit questions.3. Please go back and make sure all of your chapter 3 work is finished we will test tomorrow!!!
Blackboard E-Learning Information
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E-Learning 11/12/19
I can:
1. Understand how economics is relevent in everyday decisions.
2. Understand how those businesses make adjustmentsl
3. Understand how elasticity makes changes in our judgements.
Today's Lesson Directions
1. Students need to log into Blackboard
2. They need to go to the elearning tab on the left side of the screen. They will follow directions under the link. (once submitted it will count for attendance today!