The following guidelines will govern the personal use of the Corporation's technology by staff members as well as use for school purposes by either staff or students while at home. No personal, that is, nonschool, use of Corporation technology may be made by any student at any time.
Form 7540.01 F1- Permission to Use/Import Software is to be submitted to the Director of Technology before any personal software is brought to school. In addition, the staff member must provide either the licensing agreement from the manufacturer or a proof of purchase. The staff member must also confirm to the Director of Technology that s/he has analyzed the content of the software using the criteria established in Form 2520 F1- Rating Noncorporation Instructional Materials and has rated it no higher than "2" on any of the four criteria. The staff member should retain a copy of the form. It is essential that Form 7540.03 F1 and Form 7540.04 F1 address the issue of the proprietary rights related to the web site design concerning web sites and/or pages hosted on the Corporation's servers.
A staff member or a student may start a project using Corporation software at school or personal software at home and produce a copy of the project or document. The Corporation will not provide Corporation software for use on personal computers at home. When the project is completed, the staff member or student should notify the Director of Technology to find out whether or not the Corporation wishes to keep a copy for reference or for use by others. No staff member or student should expect to retain any proprietary rights related to the design on any web site or pages hosted on the Corporation's servers.
Prior to making a copy of any Corporation software, a staff member or student should contact the Director of Technology to find out whether or not there is any licensing agreement associated with that software, and if so, whether the license allows the staff member or student to load the material on his/her home computer. If reproduction is allowed, the staff member or student is to complete a check-out form (see Form 7540.01 F2) in which s/he agrees to make only one copy and only for personal use and not for use by others. If the license does not allow this, then no copy is to be made.
No staff member or student will be allowed access to the Internet or other networks without first signing the Student or Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Agreement, Form 7540.03 F1 or Form 7540.04 F1.
Use of all other Corporation Technology shall be in accord with AG 7530 - Personal Use of Corporation Equipment and Facilities.