• Welcome to Our Class

  • Good Morning!
    My name is Carla Martinski and I am so excited to be teaching your child this year at Coolspring Elementary School!. Prior to teaching in Michigan City, I was a teacher in East Chicago, Indiana and Chicago, Illinois. During my career I have taught 6th grade for almost 20 years. 
    I have taught many subjects throughout my career and have many interests. I love sports, especially baseball and tennis. I enjoy Science and History, both of which I taught for many years.
    My contact information is cmartinski@mcas.k12.in.us. I hope to meet many of you next week!
    Carla Martinski
  • Contact me at:
    Technology Support
    Email: Support@mcas.k12.in.us
    Phone: (219) 873-2061, 7431