
E-Learning 2-12-19

  • Greetings Friends!!!

    I hope you enjoy your E-Learning Day, stay warm and safe!

     ALL work due on 2-15-19


    I can read a non-fiction passage and use information from the text to respond to grade level appropriate questions


    • Go to NEWSELA website
    • click sign in
    • than log in under Clever
    • read any article.

    Work Completion:

    Complete the quiz that is assigned, it automatically gets submitted.



    I can respond to a writing prompt with grade level sentence structure and appropriate vocabulary


    1. Click on this link Monthly writing journals

    2. Complete the prompt for today's eLearning date.

    Work Completion: 

    Turn in your writing assignement at school within 3 days.



    All work is due within 3 days.