
Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year


    Students will complete the following assignment on GOOGLE CLASSROOM.

    Objective: Students will be able to write a constructed response to literature.


    Students will complete a Constructed Response, the prompt is attached to Google Classroom.


    On Friday, we completed a graphic organizer that students can refer to.  The organizer will give students their evidence.  They can also refer to the example organizers posted to Google Classroom in Friday’s assignment.


    This assignment is due today. 

    Don't forget to do the Attendance Form!



    Please join our Google Classroom for your class period.

    Email me with any questions:



    New School Year Google Classroom Codes


    Class Period

    Google Code


    1st period


    Mrs. Wojo

    2nd period


    Mrs. Long

    3rd period


    Mrs. Long

    5th period


    Mrs. Long

    7th period


    Mrs. Wojo

    8th period


    No Co-Teacher


    Week of 5/11/20-5/13/20

    Log-in to Google Classroom.

    1. Please view the video messages from Mrs. Long and Ms. Garno.
    2. A list of Final Reminders is posted for you to view.
    3. Your assignment is the Final Reflection. This will count for a grade as well as your attendance for the week.
    4. Dracula and Frankenstein Quizizz will be re-posted today until May 20, 2020. You only need to take the Quizizz if you missed it the first time.

    Congratulations Class of 2020! 


    Week of 5/4/20

    Objective- I can identify bias in nonfiction articles

    Log-in to Google Classroom.

    1. Read the attached article, "Jack the Ripper" Bias Article 2 (we are not reading Article 1 this time).
    2. Complete the attached assignment.

    This one assignment counts as your attendance for the whole week.


    Week of 4/27/20-4/29/20

    I can analyze tone in nonfiction articles.

    You read these 2 articles and completed a reading comprehension exit slip. Now you are going to analyze the tone, just like you did with articles 1&2 the week before.
    This assignment counts as your attendance for the whole week.

    Directions for THIS WEEK:
    Find examples of words and phrases in the article that indicate tone and record them on the following chart. Try to find 3 examples from each article of your own.

    Read directions and start assignment, contact teachers if you do not understand assignment.
    Work on chart, contact teachers if you need help
    Work day, contact teachers if you need help, complete make up work

    Everything you need is on Google Classroom.


    Week of 4/20/20-4/22/20

    I can read nonfiction and identify tone.

    This week you will continue reading nonfiction articles to identify tone.

    Monday & Tuesday are reading days. Take this time to read the 2 attached articles and complete the assignment. Next week we will work with the articles a little more. There may be a quiz over the articles.
    Wednesday- teachers will be available to meet during class time using Google Meet.
    1st period- 7:55-8:15 AM
    2nd period- 8:20-8:40 AM
    4th period- 10:40-11:00 AM
    6th period- 12:00- 12:20 PM
    7th period- 12:30-12:50 PM
    8th period- 1:30-1:50 PM



    I can identify examples of tone in nonfiction.

    Today is a Google Meets Day.

    Log in to Google Classroom at the following times to meet with teachers:

    1st period- 7:55-8:15 AM
    2nd period- 8:20-8:40 AM
    4th period- 10:40-11:00 AM
    6th period- 12:00- 12:20 PM
    7th period- 12:30-12:50 PM
    8th period- 1:30-1:50 PM



    English 12

    I can identify examples of tone in nonfiction.

    1. Short video showing the tone chart for article 1 as an example.
    2. Students read Jack the Ripper article 2.
    3. For attendance- Exit Slip with 3 reading comprehension questions from the article.
    4. Students start the Jack the Ripper Tone Chart- Article 2 assignment.


    4/13/20- Lesson- Welcome back from Spring Break!

    Log in to Google Classroom

    I can identify tone in nonfiction.

    1. View video #1- Notes on Tone (Tone Notes attached as a separate DOC as well)
    2. View video #2- Teacher reading introduction page, article 1, and going through multiple choice questions, OR you can read the PDF of the introduction and article on your own.
    3. Complete the Exit Slip 4/13/20- Attached DOC counts for today’s attendance and a grade.


    Friday, 4/3/20

    I can compare and contrast 2 pieces of literature.


    Work on Compare/Contrast assignment posted on Wednesday, 4/1/20.  The assignment is due today.


    Thursday, 4/2/20

    I can compare and contrast 2 pieces of literature.

    Work on Compare/Contrast assignment posted on Wednesday, 4/1/20.  The assignment is due Friday. Complete the Exit Slip on Google Classroom for your attendance today.


    Wednesday, 4/1/20

    I can compare and contrast 2 pieces of literature.

    1. View video explanation of assignment.
    2. The directions document for the assignment are posted separately.  You can refer to them at any time.
    3. Spend 10 minutes organizing your thoughts and starting the assignment.  Thursday and Friday are designated as work days to complete the assignment.  The assignment is due Friday.
    4. Complete an Exit Slip to tell the teacher(s) which option you will do.


    Tuesday, 3/31/20

    I can make-up missing work.

    Today is a make-up day.  Log in to Google Classroom and view the video, then make up some work that is missing from the past 2 weeks.  Complete the Exit Slip to count for your attendance today.


    Monday, 3/30/20

    I can read a graphic novel.

    Log in to Google Classroom.

    1. Frankenstein Quizizz

          2. Frankenstein Final Thoughts assignment


    Friday, 3/27/20

    I can read a graphic novel.

    Steps to the lesson:

    Log in to Google Classroom.
    1. Read pages 86-130 of the Frankenstein graphic novel.
    2. Complete the Reading Guide and submit it on Google Classroom for a grade.
    * The text was posted on Tuesday and Wednesday


    Thursday, 3/26/20

    I can read and respond to a graphic novel.

    Steps to the lesson:

    Log in to Google Classroom.

    1. Watch the video that demonstrates how to do Reader Response.
    2. Complete your own Reader Response worksheet.
    3. Read pages
    4. Complete Frankenstein Study Guide #3

    Wednesday, 3/25/20

    I can read a graphic novel.

    Steps to the lesson:

    Log in to Google Classroom.

    1. Read pages 20-63

           2. Complete Frankenstein Study Guide #2 and turn in for a grade


    Tuesday, 3/24/20 

    I can read a graphic novel.

    Steps to the lesson:

    Log in to Google Classroom.

    1. View the video presentation.
    2. Open the Frankenstein Reading Guide.  You will have to make a copy to type your answers into.
    3. Do the author background questions by referring to the attached slides presentation about Mary Shelley. 
    4. Open the Frankenstein graphic novel PDF.

    *** You should download the PDF and save it to your desktop on your Chromebook so that you can access it easily even when the internet is slow

    5. Read through page 19 of Frankenstein and complete the reading guide questions.  Turn in for a grade.

    Monday, 3/23/20

    I can analyze a graphic novel.


    Log in to Google Classroom.

    Steps to the lesson:

    1. Complete the attached assignment “Dracula Graphic Novel Final Thoughts.”
    2. Complete the Dracula Graphic Novel Quizizz- this will be a separate post on Google Classroom.

    *Both assignments are for a grade today.


    Friday, 3/20/20

    English 12

    I can read and respond to a graphic novel.


    Log in to Google Classroom. Today’s assignments will be 2 posts on Google Classroom. 

    Post A will be the video explanation of Reader Response and your Reader Response form to fill out and submit for a grade.

    Post B will be today’s reading assignment and Reading Guide #3.  

    *The Dracula text was posted on both Wednesday and Thursday.


    Steps to the Lesson:

    1. View the video explanation of Reader Response.
    2. Complete your own Reader Response.  You will have to make a copy of the form and then upload it to turn it in on Google Classroom when you are finished.  You may use any pages we have read so far to complete the Reader Response.
    3. Continue reading the Dracula graphic novel, pages 40-50.
    4. Complete Reading Guide #3 and submit it for a grade. 

    *It doesn’t matter if you do the Reader Response or Reading Guide #3 first.  The order you do the assignments in doesn’t matter. Both assignments will be for a grade.  


    Thursday, 3/19/20 

    English 12

    I can read a graphic novel.

    Steps to the lesson:

    Log in to Google Classroom.

    1. Read pages 16-39 of the Dracula graphic novel.
    2. Complete the Reading Guide and submit it on Google Classroom.


    ELearning 3/18/20

    English 12

    I can read a graphic novel.

    Steps to the lesson:

    Log in to Google Classroom.

    1. Do the Pre-Reading Brainstorm Activity.
    2. Open the Dracula Reading Guide. Do the author background and Gothic literature questions by referring to the attached link to a presentation about Bram Stoker. 
    3. Read through page 16 of the graphic novel, Dracula, and complete the reading guide questions. Turn this in for a grade.

    ELearning 3/17/20

    English 12

    I can identify differences between reading a graphic novel and reading a traditional novel.

    Steps to the lesson:

    Log-in to Google Classroom

    1. View the video/slides presentation. “Graphic Novel Terms and Concepts.”
    2. View the Comic Terms Graphic pdf (the second page of the pdf is labelled).  The first page of the pdf was going to be a labelling quiz in class, but will just be a resource for you at this time.
    3. Complete the Exit Slip and turn it in for a grade and your attendance.


    ELearning 3/16/20

    English 12

    I can demonstrate that I understand the expectations of Extended ELearning.

    Steps to the Lesson:

    Log in to Google Classroom.

    1. View the attached video about our Online Classroom Expectations.
    2. Write a question or positive comment on the Google Doc to show that you viewed the video. It can be as simple as "Ok, I understand the rules," or something like "What about...." or "Can you clarify #3?"
    3. Complete the "Jekyll & Hyde Quizizz" that is posted below this post. We are finishing Jekyll & Hyde today and moving on to our Graphic Novels unit tomorrow.


    ELearning 3-2-20

    English 12

    I can demonstrate my understanding of a short story.

    Steps to the Lesson:

    1. Log in to Google Classroom.

    2. Use the link to Quizizz to take the quiz on the short story, "A Problem," that we read in class on Monday.

    *Remember, you can take the quiz as many times as you want to in order to get your best score.

    *If you have been absent, make sure you read the story first- posted on Google Classroom on Friday, 2/28/20.

    ELearning 2-26-20

    English 12

    I can demonstrate my understanding of a short story.

    Steps to the Lesson:

    1. Log in to Google Classroom.

    2. Use the link to Quizizz to take the quiz on the short story, "The Ring," that we read in class on Monday.

    *Remember, you can take the quiz as many times as you want to in order to get your best score.

    *If you have been absent, make sure you read the story first- posted on Google Classroom on Monday, 2/24/20.


    ELearning 2-13-20

    English 12

    I can listen actively and complete comprehension questions.

    Steps of the lesson:

    1. Log in to Google Classroom
    2. Use the link to EdPuzzle to view the video and answer the embedded questions.


    ELearning 1-31-20

    English 12

    I can listen actively and complete comprehension questions.

    Steps of the lesson:

    1. Log in to Google Classroom
    2. Use the link to EdPuzzle to view the video and answer the embedded questions.


    ELearning 1-30-20

    English 12 

    I can write a well-developed paragraph.

    Steps to the lesson:

    1. Go to Google Classroom.
    2. Complete the attached Macbeth Journal and submit for a grade.

    Periods 1-6 can email Ms. Garno (mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us) or Mrs. Long (slong@mcas.k12.in.us) with any questions.  Periods 7 & 8 email Ms. Garno (mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us)


    ELearning- Monday, 12/9/19

    English 12

    I can actively listen and answer comprehension questions.

    Steps to the lesson:

    1. Go to Google Classroom.
    2. View the EdPuzzle, “Formal Writing,” and answer the embedded questions.

    Periods 1-6 can email Ms. Garno (mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us) or Mrs. Long (slong@mcas.k12.in.us) with any questions.  Periods 7 & 8 email Ms. Garno (mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us)

    Elearning Day 11-12-19

    I can actively listen and answer comprehension questions.

    Steps to the lesson:

    1. Go to Google Classroom.
    2. View the EdPuzzle, “Context: The Canterbury Tales,” and answer the embedded questions.

    Periods 1-6 can email Ms. Garno (mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us) or Mrs. Long (slong@mcas.k12.in.us) with any questions.  Periods 7 & 8 email Ms. Garno (mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us

    ELearning 11-5-19

    English 12

    I can listen actively and complete comprehension questions.

    Steps of the lesson:

    1. Log in to Google Classroom
    2. Use the link to EdPuzzle to view the video and answer the embedded questions.


    Periods 1-6 can email Ms. Garno (mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us) or Mrs. Long (slong@mcas.k12.in.us) with any questions.  Periods 7 & 8 email Ms. Garno (mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us


    Elearning Day, Friday, 10-11-19

    I can write a narrative composition that meets grade level state standards.

    Steps of the Lesson:

    1. Log in to Google Classroom.
    2. Read the Fall Fun Short Story Assignment prompt.
    3. Complete the Fall Fun Short Story Brainstorming Assignment and submit it for a grade.

    Periods 1-6 can email Ms. Garno or Mrs. Long with any questions.  


    E-Learning Day 9-30-19


    I can read and comprehend Ancient Chinese Literature.


    Steps of the lesson:

    1. Log in to Google Classroom.
    2. Read the pdf titled “Confucius: The Analects”
    3. Complete the attached Reading Comprehension and Analysis Questions


    Periods 1-6 can email Ms. Garno or Mrs. Long with questions.

    mgarno@mcas.k12.in.us or slong@mcas.k12.in.us


    Periods 7 & 8  please email Ms. Garno with any questions.
