E-Learning Day
Remember, if you want to use your text-to-speech feature on your chrome book for any of the assignments, click on the setting icon on your chrome book, and type in the word ACCESSIBILITY in the search bar. Once there, click on Enable accessibility features. Under text-to-speech, turn on the Enable ChromeVox(spoken feedback). Next, turn on Enable select-to-speech option. Once you do that, the directions are stated for how to use this feature. Highlight the text you want to have read aloud, then press the search button + S, and it will be read to you. Be sure you set the text-to-speech voice settings to a voice, speed, and loudness you want.
ELearning for Language Arts for Tuesday, Sep 26, 2022
Steps of the Lesson:1. Go to SCHOOLOGY for Language Arts.
2. Click on the link for Elearning 11/8/2022.
3. Click and open the article and questions with Kami.
4. Complete the sheet and turn it in.
5. Any questions, email Mr.Riess @mriess@mcas.k12.in.us