• Welcome to Our Class

     Sebert's 7th Grade English/Language Arts
       In this class, we will learn about various story and character elements, how to critically think about many different topics, reading engaging and content-rich literature, and so much more! We will be using technological mediums such as, Chromebooks, multimedia presentations, and so much more, in order to keep students up to date with this ever-changing world. I like to be a little "out of the ordinary" sometimes, so this class can expect to see some goofiness. This class is of course commandeered by me, but I will pull from the passions of my students, which I love to learn more about. In conclusion, my students in this class will learn plenty of amazing things, while being engaged and having quite a bit of fun as well.
  • Meet the Teacher
     This will be my third year teaching middle school in a public school setting,
    but my 5th year teaching overall. My hobbies include listening to all genres
    of music, collecting vinyl records, reading my favorite authors, hiking, and
    playing tennis. I became a teacher because my passion is to help children
    find theirs and what better way to do that then teach my favorite subject.
    I actively stay up-to-date with the latest techniques in teaching children,
    as well as new and exciting pieces of literature that are being published.
  • Contact me at:
    Email: bsebert01@mcas.k12.in.us
    Phone: (219) 873-2057, ext. 7352