Important Announcement! We’re excited to inform you that our meal payments portal, TITAN Family Portal, has been upgraded to LINQ Connect. There’s no need to change your username and password, all your information has already been transferred to the new platform.
Visit your app store and find “LINQ Connect” available in the Google Play Store now and the Apple store available soon to download the new app and enjoy these new features. Just log in with your existing username and password. If you use a browser, visit LINQConnect.com to log in. If you don’t use our online meal payments portal, LINQ Connect allows you to set up one-time or recurring payments for your student’s meal. You can also view previous transactions, set spending limits, transfer funds between students, set low balance notifications, and more. It’s an easy way to manage meal payments without the hassle of sending cash. Michigan City Area Schools will continue to be cashless. *Please note that because MCAS is CEP and all student meals are free, you do not need to complete a free/reduced meal application on Linq Connect.
Food items available for purchase that are not included in your child's daily free breakfast and lunch are ala carte items. These are sold at secondary schools only. Since we are cashless, MCAS Food Service absorbs the payment processing fee, but there is a minimum deposit amount of $10.00. These funds go directly into the student's account with no waiting period.
MCAS staff should also create an account on Linq Connect to add funds to their meal account.
View a guide and FAQ's here.
Community Eligibility Program (CEP)
Michigan City Area Schools have been operating under the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) since the 2018-19 school year. This means that ALL students receive meals at no charge! Students still need funds in their cafeteria account for extra milk or a la carte items. Because of this program, parents no longer need to apply for meal assistance.See above for the link to Linq Connect, the system for online payments for a la carte items and viewing meal accounts. Need help? Please call (219) 873-2131.PreK-8 Breakfast FREE 9-12 Breakfast FREE Adult Breakfast Entree $ 1.50 Adult Breakfast Fruit $ .50 Adult Breakfast Juice $ .50 PreK-8 Lunch FREE 9-12 Lunch FREE Adult Lunch Entree $ 2.50 Adult Lunch Fruit or Vegetable $ .75 Adult Lunch Roll/Bread $ .25 Milk (purchased separately) $ .60