• Welcome to 4th Grade!

    Welcome to Miss Daikhi's 4th grade class website. It is going to be a WONDERFUL year!

  • About Miss Daikhi

    My name is Hyette Daikhi. This is my fourth year of teaching! I graduated from Purdue University Northwest majoring in Elementary Education. I grew up in Michigan City and attended school in MCAS, so I am excited to be part of the school system as a teacher now! I am looking forward to growing and learning with all of the students this year!

  • Contact Miss Daikhi 

    Feel free to contact me anytime by email, phone or Remind. I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible!

    Email: hdaikhi01@mcas.k12.in.us

    Phone: 219-873-2102 Ext. 6520