     Hello and thanks for stopping by!
    My name is Mr. Ingle and I am one of three Special Education teachers at Krueger Middle School.
    I run the Resource classroom for all 8th grade students within the Special Education program. If a student has an IEP (Individualized Education Program), they will have the option to utilize resource time to visit my classroom and get help in a small group setting or individualized help. Students with accommodations can have tests read, calculators or even extra time on assignments. My classroom is designed to be a safe place where students can open up and be themselves. I run a crew classroom that expresses the same theme of being a safe space. In addition to being a Resource teacher, I am also a Mentor Teacher, where I co-chair the Krueger Instructional Leadership Team as well as serve on the Building Leadership team. I am dedicated to making Krueger a safe place for students and am serving on the Crisis team to help make it possible. If you have any questions or concerns, you can always send me an email Jingle@mcas.k12.in.us or call me at (219) 873-2061 using the extension 7429.
  • Mr. Ingle Meet the Teacher
    Hello and welcome! My name is Jesse Ingle, I am the Middle School Student Support Services teacher for the 7/8 team at Krueger. This is my great opportunity to explain the wonderful road I have taken to becoming a Teacher for the great MCAS. I graduated from Purdue North Central ( Before becoming PNW! ) with my bachelors degree in Psychology. Soon after graduation, I was eager to get myself into the community and work with children to solve various social and behavioral problems. I was able to intern with Keys Counseling, a Michigan City based company whom taught me the value in all children who need a helping hand from time to time. Post graduation I was hired by Swanson Center, a leading Laporte County Community Mental Health Center! Working with Swanson Center gave me the opportunity to utilize my skills to help as many children as I could. While working with Swanson Center, I frequented many schools within the district to work one on one as well as leading a social skills group for several children. Working in the schools became a quick passion and I knew I wanted to be a part of the MCAS family. Now being a part of such a great community, I am able to utilize my skills including patience and understanding with our bright youngsters to help motivate them to get back on track with their home schools and make better choices to become leaders in their community when they get older.
  • Contact me at:
    Email: jingle@mcas.k12.in.us
    Phone and extension: (219) 873-2061, ext. 7429