• Student Council

    Student Council is an opportunity for Joy students to help serve their fellow students, school, community, and world.  It also gives the children the chance to solve real problems, make important decisions, speak honestly, and take an active part in their school.  It also promotes the LIFESKILLS: effort, caring, commons sense, responsibility, perseverance, teamwork, and problem solving, that we at Joy think are very important for our students.

    The student council members have helped organize activities for Red Ribbon Week – special dress up days with a purpose, American Education Week – used book sale and then purchasing books for babies at St. Anthony's Hospital.  We have dress up days to promote school spirit.  We have raised money to purchase games in the library, plants to beautify our school, and a bench for the playground.  They have also helped with clean up at the Ice Cream Socials, and cutting and counting Box Tops.  Once each week one member recites the Class Pledge during the radio program.  Finally we have made donations to the Humane Society, Red Cross, and Hats Off program (Helping kids with Cancer).


    For more information about this Joy Elementary activity, please contact the sponsor(s) pictured at the bottom right.
    The Student Council holds two meetings each month. To view the days and times for these meetings, click on the CALENDAR button at the top of this webpage. 


    Third, fourth, and fifth graders are eligible to represent his/her class.  A child must get a signed permission slip from a parent to show his/her interest for applying for a position in student council.  With that permission slip a child also needs to write an essay about why he/she would like to be a student council member and why he/she thinks she/he should be elected.  Elections are held in each classroom.  Two representatives are elected.

  • NASC